Wednesday, July 16, 2008


got lost

today. i went for a run around town, just to scout out other places nearby and possible eateries (as there is a megadearth of food joints to smoke round here). so i ran past my station, then past another station, and finally found myself up somewhere in koshigaya that i'd been before. not lost yet.

but then i ran to a nearby river i'd walked down before and started making my way back home. i thot, well, if i just follow this river, it will lead me to the river that i usually run on, and then i'm home freaky-free. yeah. not so much.

the river split and i took the channel more travelled. that made all the difference, as it were. i ended up somewhere way way north of my house. admittedly, there were some cool riverside trails there to run and some cute dogs to dodge, but i was way lost.

so, i thot, hey, i'll just run til i hit a train line and then follow that home, no biggie. but running for two hours does odd things to my brain, and when i saw the first set of elevated tracks and the color of the train going down it, i thot it looked like a train line that goes nowhere near my house. so i kept going.

turns out that that Was the one i wanted, and the river i was following curved back a couple of miles later and hit it again. this time the name of the line was conveniently on the side of the track. i got lucky and guessed the right direction (after staring dumbly up and down the tracks for a few minutes) and just had to jogwalk three stations back. thankfully i took a 1000 yen note with me so i could get some aquarius, pocari sweat, and a couple of onigiri (rice balls).

i'm gonna go find a running group tonight that run track intervals every wednesday night. this week we have three days off in the middle of the week surprisingly, so i'm using this chance to go meet the group, as usually i'm teaching at that time. supposedly, they usually do a long run on sundays, but i can't find much info online.

i just googled them today, after my run. some kind of cosmic joke. i ran yesterday, too. my legs hurt.

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