Sunday, November 07, 2004


new pics

I have more pictures up on the flickr page.

i think the page is, but i forget. hold on, check that

get it right

i don't want this to be such a boring blog entry, so i'll add some new information.

so, I need a new style. Shanghai winter and upcoming Beijing coldness are fast approaching and I need to accessorize yo. At first glance, the clothing scene in Shanghai appears to be brands of Nike, Adidas, and the like, but if you look closer, you find the Chinese brands. So i'm having to choose which brand i'm going to stick with, because they are all very different and trendy in their own little ways. there's Cabeen, Giorgio Bruni, Baleno, New Feeling, and many others. Not only do I have to choose one of these fine brands, but then i have to find clothing in the store that fits me. I think i'm going to be looking very European this winter, cuz all of my clothes will be tight on me. Pants are gonna be a problem, but maybe this will provide me with incentive not to get Too fat during the cold gray months. All in all, tho, i'm ready to be branded. Don't worry, i'll get you pictures as soon as i'm equipped.

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