Tuesday, August 12, 2008


ghost shakes

i'm not really sure what was real or imagined or dreamed. i coulda sworn that i woke up last night and the room was shaking. i then stood up and went to the side of my lofted bed and swayed there for a while. i then got a drink of water and went back to bed.

however, i just checked the earthquake tracker and there wasn't one anywhere near japan last night. if a dream, what a vivid one! could it be prophetic? or maybe i just ate some bad sushi and produced a tuna-inspired nightbear.

either way, earthquakes are fun! all danger aside (and of course, papa, i fully understand what to do if the room starts to crack in half), it'd be so cool to get some friends together and have a minute-long quake dance. impossible to coordinate, but cool. i should google quake dance and see if someone's done this before. ha! there are lots of dances called "earthquake" on youtube. they're pretty funny looking. if i ever get my webcam working again, i'll try to tape myself next earthquake, doin the dance.

oh, and i'm sad. the japanese marathon women's runner just dropped out cuzuva calf tear. i was looking forward to that. noguchi mizuki's her name. the male breaststroke swimmer just isn't as inspiring.

that's all.

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